During the heart of the Covid pandemic, a January 2, 2021, headline in the New York Times blared: “Fleeing Lockdown, Americans are Flocking to Mexico City.”

Nearly two years later, December 28, 2022, the Times ran another feature story about “flocking” gringos, declaring, “As Remote Workers Flock to Mexico City, Airbnb and Housing Prices Soar.”

In the interval between these two stories, the Times ran endless articles detailing the joys and amazing discoveries of Mexican tourism, such as another Dec. 2022 story extolling “Mexico City’s vibrant style, outstanding gastronomy, rich history and bustling street life.”

Leaving aside for a moment the fact that Mexicans are also Americans, the US State Department estimates that 1.6 million “Americans” were living in México at the end of 2022. The actual number is surely much higher because many visitors and a perennial flood of retirees never register officially. They simply travel back and forth as tourists.

Mexican American Dreams was created for those who seek a deeper understanding and the possibility of a more permanent way of life in México.

Mexico is more than one nation. It is 32 nations. Each of Mexico’s 32 states is like its own world, each with its own unique history, culture, traditions, food, ethnic composition, natural environmental wonders and languages.

At the center of this national whirlwind of diversity stands Mexico City, la Ciudad de México, with the 4.5 million person center of the city now designated as CDMX. The greater metro area, with a population of nearly 22 million people, is the fifth largest “megacity” in the world. This is our home and headquarters. It is where your Mexican-American adventure with us will begin.

Our mission is to bring this cultural kaleidoscope to life for every one of our clients. Whether you want to visit ancient pyramids, great museums, world class restaurants, traditional shops making hand crafted guitars, crypto currency exchanges or wildly creative regional theaters and art house cinemas, CDMX offers the most vibrant point of entry in the nation.

If you fall in love with Mexico and want to live here on a long term basis, we offer a complete suite of legal, immigration, health care, business and real estate consulting services. We want to celebrate this beautiful journey with you for as long as you need and want our help.

We are not a canned tour service. Each of the tour packages listed below on the Contact page are customized to your preferences. We want your experience with us in México to be fun, informative, enriching and helpful in your decision making. We can create other packages and have wonderful associates in Oaxaca, Querétero, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta and the Nayarit. All packages can be negotiated up or down and followed up with a written agreement.


If you are interested in exploring the options for your personalized Mexican experience, we recommend starting with a Zoom Orientation call , which is available on our Contact page below. We welcome your questions and suggestions.